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Taking Care Of Your New Glasses Or Contact Lenses

We Think You Look Great

Maintain that look of pristine, new glasses by taking good care of them. Here are a few tips to help you.

Clean The Lenses With A Non-Scratching Cloth

It is important to use suitable materials when cleaning your lenses.  Household items like paper towels or tissues, along with items of clothing can scratch the surface of a lens if used for wiping or cleaning.

Ideally, clean your specs daily with cleaning spray and a clean lens cloth.  Try to use different parts of the cloth for wiping and polishing the glasses.

Coated lenses may react differently to different cleaning solutions, so ask your Optometrist for a recommended cleaning fluid.

Make sure your lens cloth is clean before you use it.  A dirty cloth will add more grime to your lenses. Good lens cloths can be washed once a month – though avoid fabric conditioner. Replace your cloth on a regular basis.

Keep Them in their case

When not in use, keep your spectacles in their case, trying to avoid placing them lens side down on any surface.

Drop In To The Practice For A Professional Clean & Refit

Why not call in to our practice occasionally – we can check over your spectacles, apply a professional clean, check for damage and re-fit them for you to ensure a comfortable experience.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Your glasses, like many of us, prefer a constant, regular temperature. Extreme heat could effect the coating on your lenses or the material used in the frame.

Try to avoid using hot water, or leaving specs in direct sunlight or near a hot radiator.

Contact Lens Aftercare

Keep Your Contact lens Case Clean

Your contact lens case can harbour unwanted bacteria and should be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis.  Rinse and dry daily and perform a more thorough clean every week – you may want to use a saline solution for this, and scrub with a small cleaning brush.

Replace your contact lenses case on a regular basis – three or four times a year.

Wash Your Hands

Always wash your hands before handling your contact lenses and ensure that they are completely dry.

Lint-free tissues are the best thing to use when drying your hands as they do not leave the tiny traces of fibre that can be left be normal towels or tissues.

Establish a regular cleaning and lens changing routine

Make sure you clean your contact lenses on a regular basis using the correct cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting products.

Regular cleaning (at specific times) will reduce the risk of you running out of the appropriate cleaning solutions and create a habit that results in better, more frequent care or your lenses.

Do Not Re-Use Old Solution Fluid

Always replace old solutions with new, it is important not to re-use, or top up old solution.

Rest Your Eyes Weekly

It is recommended that you allow your eyes chance to recover from the process of wearing contact lenses by wearing your spectacles for at least one day each week.

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